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Showing posts from February, 2015

Snowed-In Minestrone

2015 has found most of us snowed in at least for a day or two per week and while at first it an be enchanting and the snow is pretty, after a while the weather starts to put a damper on things and mess up our schedules. Multiple snowstorms have disrupted our routines - lengthened commute times, cancelled school days and rescheduled appointments, less time or energy to run errands or food shop because we're spending too much time shoveling, etc. So I came up with this recipe that takes advantage of using whatever you have on hand when you're snowed in. This is a satisfying soup that'll warm you from the inside-out. The most important things is to pay attention to the quantities of each ingredient grouping and use what you have in the freezer or fridge to come up with that quantity. Also, here are some tips when you're cooking on a regular basis to stock up for the future: When dicing onions for a recipe, freeze extra diced onions for later use Minced garlic