Pay attention to serving size
Look for the version with the highest grams of
fiber per serving
If the product has fat, avoid trans-fats
Choose the version with the highest amount of
protein per serving
Choose the product with the least amount of
sugar per serving
While I am
an enthusiastic advocate of diets of fruits, vegetables, high fiber, high
protein, and healthy fats…sometimes you just need a snack with some crunch! So
for these times, here are the brands of crackers I recommend. Any of these
would pair well with hummus, guacamole, salsa or another spread or dip:
WasaMultigrain: 2 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber per slice without any sugar
RyeVita PumpkinSeed and Oats Crispbread: 1.3 grams of protein and 2.2 grams of fiber
Dr. KrackerSnackers: 5 grams protein and 3 grams fiber per serving
Kavli HeartyThick: 1 gram protein and 1 gram fiber per slice
Mary’s GoneCrackers (Gluten free): 3 grams protein and 3 grams fiber per serving