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Showing posts from September, 2019

Weight-Loss Strategies: Is It Better to Eat Less or Exercise More?

Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, you need to really ramp up the exercise, right? Unfortunately, many people experience frustration with this approach. Why aren’t they successful?   Research suggests that weight loss can be more complex than a simple “calories in/calories out” formula. In fact, our hormones play a larger role in regulating our metabolism than many people realize. As a result, maintaining a diet that encourages hormonal balance is often more effective than hours of exercise. Why Exercise Can’t Make Up for a Bad Diet Consider a woman training for a 5-K, like the Feaster Five . She runs from half an hour to an hour every day. With all of that exercise, she figures she should be losing weight and should be able to treat herself every so often.   However, she’s plagued by some remaining pounds that she just can’t

Fall Allergy Relief the Natural Way

Are you excited for fall? What’s not to love about the vibrant colors of New England in the fall? It’s a time to get out our cozy sweaters, enjoy the crisp fall air, cheer on the Patriots and Red Sox (if they get the AL Wildcard spot…) and for some people, sneeze a lot. Yes, unfortunately, many people experience watery eyes, sinus pain and other allergy symptoms when fall arrives. This annoying phenomenon can occur even if you made it through spring without sneezing. That’s because even though the symptoms of fall and spring allergies are the same, the triggers are different. So it’s definitely possible to enjoy one season allergy-free but suffer through another. And because there are more culprits to blame for fall allergies, many people experience the adverse effects. THE SYMPTOMS OF FALL ALLERGIES We tend to hear more about spring allergies, but fall allergies can be just as unpleasant. Symptoms often include: ●      Sneezing ●      Runny nose ●      Itch