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Showing posts from January, 2013

A Tale of Two Detox Salads

Did you know the liver has over 500 hundred functions and one of its main function s is to detoxify our bodies? Did you know every food, beverage, vitamin, mineral, over the counter or prescription medication you ingest may speed up or slow down your liver function?   Healthy liver detoxification is crucial to prevent the development of various types of cancers, inflammation and diabetes so incorporating Detox Super Foods into your daily diet will put you on the fast track to health. So what do I consider to be Detox Super Foods and why? Foods high in folic acid such as spinach, papaya, asparagus and lentils Foods high in carotenoids like carrots ans sweet potatoes Foods that increase your body's glutathione levels such as broccoli and garlic Foods that are full of minerals like sea vegetables, sesame seeds and beans Beets, citrus peel, avocado, artichokes and green tea all have unique abilities to boost liver detoxification Last week I had the opportunity to...

Using Phytonutrients to Boost Liver Detoxification

FREE class presented by Dr. Tracy and Eileen Webster, Healthy Eating Specialist at Whole Foods Market Wednesday January 16, 2013, 7-8 pm at Whole Foods Market in Andover Join Dr. Tracy and Eileen to learn the best foods to boost your liver’s detoxification abilities. Dr. Tracy will discuss the phytonutrients needed for optimal liver function and how food can be used to combat the unique stresses your liver is under. Eileen will share recipes using liver detoxifying foods and healthy food samples from Whole Foods Market. The class is free however space is limited and registration is required. To register call Whole Foods Customer Service at 978-749-6664 or email

Leafy Greens to the Rescue!

Just one serving of green leafy vegetables a day dramatically improves your health. Green leafy vegetables are well known cornerstones of healthy diets because of their fiber content and as vegetarian sources of vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, folic acid and iron. They also contain compounds that prevent the development of blindness, macular degeneration, breast cancer and lung cancer. But did you know that adding just one serving of green leafy vegetables to your day would have such dramatic results? 11% lower risk of developing Cardiovascular Disease 9% lower risk of developing Diabetes 45% decrease in risk of hip fracture in middle aged women To get the most out of your greens try drizzling them with walnut, sesame, or flax oil to absorb more beta-carotene from them and mixing them with citrus fruits to improve their iron availability. Here are some of my favorite leafy greens and how to eat them: Kale  sautéed with garlic, roasted, baked to make chips ...